Tuesday, 28 June 2011

Adventure Tuesdays!

Since I finished the first video of my new Adventure series on a Tuesday, I have decided that Tuesdays are now Adventure Tuesdays!!!

Every week from now on (much like BRF but on Tuesdays) I will be uploading an episode of an Adventure playthrough. Probably with another person for the most part too, just to add some extra flavor. The first episode will be out today. It is the Redmurk Mystery, and it's awesome.

I hope you enjoy it too.

edit: I changed it to Tuesdays and Wednesdays because one episode a week is lame.

Friday, 24 June 2011

1000 Subscribers!

So I finally made it. the big 1000! My channel looks a lot more tough now that there is 4 figures on the subscriber section. Thanks to everyone that has subscribed so far and to everyone who does in the future. It has been awesome fun making videos and having other people enjoy what I make.

I recently started a Facebook page which should make it easier to keep track of people making requests for By Request Friday. So make sure you give it a like and check it out. http://www.facebook.com/pages/Jigarbov/114100522013454

Thursday, 16 June 2011

Ultra PEZ 9000

I don't believe I forgot to put this up here... So here it is.

It took WAY too much work to finally finish. I don't think I'll be doing a let's build of this because it's a bit ridiculous and will probably break in future updates... Anyway That's that!

I'm not really sure what I'm building for the next BRF. There is lots of suggestions but not many that I want to do, or that would be quick to do. But I'm sure I will find something. I also finished filming all my videos for Leptir1 so that's good too. Just hit 900+ Subs. Nearly 1000 which is super exciting. I have a cool video special that will be going up the moment that 1000th person hits that sub button.

Monday, 6 June 2011

Leptir1 ft: Jigarbov

Leptir1 a while ago found my channel and asked me to build him a station for him on his server. His server uses a mod called Minecart Mania, so I had to accept to try it out and see what it was capable of.  He then asked me to make some tutorial vids for him on his channel. So I thought why not? I'll keep my channel for normal Minecraft goodness, and make some Minecart Mania mod tutorials for him and his users.

The first tutorial is up now. Enjoy.